Shell touting farm, political experience in bid to be agriculture commissioner

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Shells public service began at age 17 when he joined the Garrard County Farm Bureau Board. He was elected a state representative at age 24, serving from 2013 to 2018.
Shell attributes former Ag Commissioner James Comer, who now serves as the U.S. House representative for Kentuckys First District, as the reason he entered politics.
Back in 2011 when he was running for ag commissioner, I met him, and he was just singing my song everything that he was saying was exactly how I believed, Shell said. That was the moment I realized that good people, regular people, can run for political office and do a good job.
Shell works on his family business, Shell Farms and Greenhouses, in Garrard County. They raise cattle, grow 1,200 acres of row crop, along with flowers and 20 acres of pumpkins.
If elected, Shell said he has three priorities that he will bring into office with him: creating secondary ag-related manufacturing to keep more grain and cattle products in the state, promoting on-the-farm retail businesses and being a voice against anti-agriculture policies.
I have done everything that I can to learn and espouse the values and beliefs that I have to try to make this state a better place, Shell said. And I think thats something the people can believe in.
Don Wilkins,, 270-691-7299
Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 5:15 am