Florida fund will help transgender people pay to get gender-affirming care out of state

LGBTQ advocates have started a fund that will help transgender people get gender affirming care in other states.
LGBTQ advocates in Florida have started a fund that will help transgender people get gender-affirming care in other states.
The Central Florida Emergency Trans Care Fund was launched by the LGBT+ Center in Orlando and the Contigo Fund.
Under new laws, minors cant get gender-affirming care in Florida, and adult patients cant use Medicaid to pay for it.
Contigo Fund director Jol Junior Morales said the goal is to help transgender people get care in other states.
So it would be transportation services for youth, meaning access to care outside of the state, and also for trans adults who are in Florida, needing care, because they're being cut off by government assistance," said Morales.
George Wallace, director of the LGBT Center, said Florida is denying people their medical right to lifesaving care.
I want to go to my doctor, and I need medical care, and I need a procedure done, or I need a medication, I can get it because I'm a cis white male, but if I was a trans individual, and I went and I needed hormone blockers, or I needed some type of medical intervention, I could no longer receive that in the state of Florida," said Wallace.
Gov. Ron DeSantis says banning transgender treatments for children protects them. The Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics says gender-affirming care is medically necessary and saves lives.
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Monday, May 22, 2023 at 4:21 am